Заповедник Монти Пелати
Локальное имя: Riserva naturale Monti Pelati
The nature reserve covers a narrow strip that runs through the slopes of the Pelati Mountains. Part of the area is rather barren and devoid of vegetation and then turns into green meadows with sparse trees. Numerous lichens, heathers and grasses grow here, as well as rare birches, willows, pines and larches.
About 70 species of birds have been observed in the park. They include, among others buzzards, kites and bunnies. Numerous insects also live here, including the rare species of moths, Pedasia luteella. At the end of summer, you can meet many specimens of the common praying mantis.
In the upper part of the park, at an altitude of 581 meters, there are remains of the 12th-century defensive tower, known as the Torre Cives. As a curiosity, it is worth mentioning that five gold Byzantine coins were found during the archaeological excavations carried out on its site in 1956. They are now stored in the Archaeological Museum of Turin.
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