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Локальное имя: Exposicions del Museu de la Ciència
The exhibitions at the Science Museum of Valencia are spread over four levels of a modern and original building, the shape of which is reminiscent of the skeleton of a dinosaur or a whale. During the tour, you can touch the exhibits and conduct your own experiments.
On the ground floor there are cash desks, a restaurant, souvenir shops and exhibitions devoted to "Science on stage" and "Science about television". The first floor is a space for interactive experiments and workshops. There are, among others, The 34-meter Foucault pendulum, one of the largest of its kind in the world. You can also see exhibitions on climate change.
On the second floor there is an exhibition presenting the biographies and achievements of three outstanding scientists associated with Spain: Santiago Ramón y Cajal, Severo Ochoi and Jean Dausset. Finally, the top floor houses an exhibition on genetics, including a 15-meter sculpture depicting a molecular model of human DNA and 127 different interactive materials.