An extensive natural maze is located on the island of Samsø. It is 5,380 m long and covers an area equal to 12 football fields. In 2001, it was entered in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest permanent maze in the world.
The maze has several entrances and exits. The total length of the routes running there exceeds 5.5 km. There are also 186 forks, and at each visitor there is a puzzle, the solution of which indicates the right direction of the route. The paths lead to 8 different destinations, such as the Pyramid, Stone Circle or the Viking Temple.
The Samsø labyrinth also functions as a nature park. Over 50,000 trees and shrubs grow in its area, among which more than 25 species of birds live. You can also meet foxes and deer here.
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Лабиринт Самсё

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