The monumental rock carving shows the face of Decebal, the last Dac king who fought for the independence of his kingdom against the Roman Empire in the 1st century AD. The sculpture is located on the rocky bank of the Danube, near the Iron Gates that separate the Carpathian Mountains from the East Serbian Mountains and form a natural border between Romania and Serbia.
The sculpture is nearly 43 meters high and 31.6 meters wide. It was commissioned by the Romanian businessman Iosif Constantin Drăgan. Its execution took ten years and lasted from 1994 to 2004. The project was made by the Italian sculptor Mario Galeotti, and another 12 artists worked on the sculpture itself.
Under Decebal's face, the Latin inscription "Decebalux Rex - Dragan Fecit", which means "King Decebal - made by Dragan". Opposite the sculpture, on the Serbian side of the Danube bank, there is a rock-carved memorial plaque “Tabula Trajan”, which in turn commemorates the fall of Decebal and Dacia.
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