OKOŘ atracciones turísticas

+1 atracción

Okoř is a tiny village not far from Prague, which is famous for the ruins of a large medieval castle and its music festivals.

The beginnings of the castle date back to the 14th century, and the village developed as its servant settlement. Its inhabitants were farmers and craftsmen. The castle was a Gothic stronghold that was besieged many times during various conflicts. The Hussites inflicted heavy losses on it, and in the 17th century it suffered as a result of the Thirty Years' War.

Currently, the ruins are an important attraction of the village of Okoř and the destination of tourists who come here from nearby Prague. An interesting fact is that despite the hilly terrain, the fortress stands below the level of the hills. This is a very unusual location for Czech castles.

Tourists can explore the preserved walled courtyard and some living quarters. There are also ruins of a Gothic chapel, and in some places it is possible to climb the walls. In mid-August, a music festival takes place in the castle.

OkořPopular en la zona

(distancia del centro de la ciudad)