Polonia    Voivodato de Pomerania Occidental    Szczecin    Torre Gocławska (antigua torre Bismarck)
número 14 en la ciudad

Torre Gocławska (antigua torre Bismarck)

Nombre local: Wieża Gocławska (d. Wieża Bismarcka)

The Gocławska Tower stands on the top of the Green Hill in Szczecin. It was built of sandstone and concrete, designed by professor Wilhelm Kreis. It is 25 m high, and its diameter at the base is 27 m wide. Currently, the tower is closed and can only be viewed from the outside.

The construction of the tower lasted from 1914 to 1921. The building has a cylindrical form consisting of two parts. On the first floor level, there is an observation deck from which you can observe the panorama of the area.

Formerly, the building was called the "Tower of Bismarck", in honor of Chancellor Otto von Bismarck. It was one of 240 towers erected in various European countries between 1869 and 1934 to honor the chancellor and express German national pride. 17 out of about 40 such buildings have survived to the present day in Poland.


Atracciónes dentro

    Torre Gocławska (antigua torre Bismarck) mapa
    Narciarska 5A71-737 Szczecin , Polonia