RADOM atracciones turísticas

+5 atracciónes

Radom is a city with a historic urban layout from the period from the Middle Ages to the 19th century. There is a museum here with a rich collection of Jacek Malczewski's works.

In the place where the city is located today, there was Grodzisko Piotrkówka in the 10th century. Radom was already developing as a trade settlement, and the privileges it received in the 13th and 14th centuries only raised its position. At the end of the Middle Ages, the Seym was held in Radom many times, and in 1505 one of them approved the Nihil Novi constitution, which consolidated the system of state monarchy in Poland.

Until today, several churches have survived in Radom from the Middle Ages, the parish church of St. John the Baptist rebuilt at the beginning of the 20th century in the neo-Gothic style and the Bernardine monastery with valuable furnishings from the beginning of the 16th century and a sculpture representing a group of Passions attributed to the workshop of Wit Stwosz. You can also see the relics of the royal castle and city walls.

A major attraction of Radom is the Museum of Jacek Malczewski, housed in a baroque Piarist monastery. There is a collection of works by Malczewski, Wyspiański, Chełmoński and Gerson, as well as collections on the history of the city. In Radom there is also the Museum of the Radom Countryside, an open-air museum presenting the folk culture of the local population.

RadomPopular en la zona

(distancia del centro de la ciudad)