Ferry Janowiec-Kazimierz Dolny
Nombre local: Prom Janowiec-Kazimierz Dolny
A river ferry connecting the towns of Kazimierz Dolny and Janowiec. With its help, groups, individuals and cars are seasoned on the other side of the Vistula River.
The ferry runs from April to November, from 8 am to the evening hours (19:00 - 21:00) - depending on the day of the week and month. Its work also depends on the water level in the river. The ferry operates in a shuttle and does not have fixed departure times from the shore. The whole crossing takes from a few to several minutes.
The ferry runs in a place that has been used for centuries to cross the Vistula River. In the past, wooden boats called whips traveled along its route. The permanent ferry connecting Kazimierz Dolny and Janowiec was launched in 1996. Originally it was called “Gelderland”, but it was changed along with the replacement of the boat to a larger one, at the turn of 2009-2010.
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